Res non verba.

Deeds, not words

Spanish law firm specialized in civil law


Excellence, personalized attention and transparency.

ALBOS LAW is a Spanish law firm specialized in civil law, providing its clients with legal advice in areas such as civil liability, banking law, real estate law, corporate law and data protection. The basis of our actions is excellence in the legal service offered, and in personalized attention to our clients, along with total transparency with them.

About Albos Law

Practice areas

Civil liability is defined as the obligation of every person to pay for the damages caused to the person or property of another.

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These are all those actions or omissions by health professionals, whether they are from a public or private centre.

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If you have been the victim of a traffic accident, for which you have not been totally responsible, you have the right to be compensated by the insurance company.

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It is the area of law in which, among other issues, the operation and good practice of financial entities with their clients are regulated.

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It is the area of law in which issues such as property, rent, real rights and legal business on them are regulated.

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We offer legal advice for the different needs of each company, from its constitution, to its dissolution, in the commercial and civil fields.

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Assistance to companies for their adaption to data protection regulations (Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and Digital Rights Guarantee).

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The founding partner of Albos Law, Albert Bosque Alberich, has obtained an official certification in accordance with the requirements of the Certification Scheme for Data Protection Officers of the Spanish Data Protection Agency to be able to act as a DPO.

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Empecé a contar con Albert por la confianza y profesionalidad que transmite. Pero el motivo de haber terminado delegando en él la defensa jurídica de mi empresa es la agilidad y la proactividad con la que afronta cada asunto.

Trabajo con Albert desde hace años y actualmente es nuestro abogado de referencia. Concretamente se encarga de todas las gestiones relativas a las contrataciones con los nuevos franquiciados, y de la gestión de cualquier asunto jurídico en general. Ahora cuento con Albos Law para cualquier asunto jurídico que me pueda surgir, tanto en el ámbito profesional como en el personal. Sin lugar a duda recomiendo totalmente sus servicios.

Fa pocs mesos que hem iniciat el nostre negoci junts i Albos Law ens ha gestionat la negociació del contracte d’arrendament del local i diversos contractes que necessitàvem per posar-lo en marxa. Així mateix sempre estan disponibles per atendre’ns respecte de qualsevol consulta jurídica que ens sorgeix. Estem encantats amb la qualitat dels serveis i la facilitat i atenció en les gestions.

Excelente profesional, buen trato y servicio.
Contamos con él como abogado de cabecera para la empresa.

I had the pleasure to work with Albert few months ago as I have experienced some hidden problems of mold in my recently bought apartment in Barcelona.
The case was not easy as the owners were British and already left Spain from a while.
Albert has been very professional and comforting at the same time, since the very beginning he handled the case in a powerful and efficient way. I have been surprised by his fast responses and negotiation skills, which resulted in me gaining an important deal from the previous owner in order to fix the apartment.
Overall, I am extremely happy and grateful for the service received, Albert is an amazing attorney but most importantly a great person. I highly recommend him to anybody in need of his skills, he is definitely one step ahead.

Albert fue avalado por una persona de total confianza y efectivamente no se equivocó. Albert ha estado tratando temas mercantiles para nuestra empresa con calidad, rigurosidad, plazo y paciencia. Esto ha hecho que Albert se haya convertido en nuestro abogado de referencia. Totalmente recomendable.

“Albert me ha asesorado satisfactoriamente en relación con la reclamación de cláusulas abusivas que mi banco me impuso en el préstamo hipotecario de mi vivienda habitual, así como en una demanda laboral contra mi antigua empresa. Le estoy muy agradecida.

Sufrí lesiones por una mordedura de perro y Albert me asesoró y reclamó una indemnización por ello. Estoy muy contenta con el resultado, pero también por la atención recibida.

L’Albert Bosque ens ha assessorat en relació a diverses matèries a mi i a la meva família. Comptem plenament amb els seus serveis, a la vegada que els recomanem a les persones que ens son més pròximes.

Me puse en contacto con Albert al no llegar a un acuerdo con la aseguradora en un caso de sustracción de vehículo. Además de liderar la negociación desde ese momento, me sentí asesorado y acompañado en un proceso que se escapaba totalmente de mis manos. Gracias a Albert conseguí una indemnización de más del doble del importe que inicialmente proponía la aseguradora.

Expertise of the firm

At ALBOS LAW we offer a wide variety of legal services, aimed for both natural and legal persons, with a high degree of specialization and, therefore, the satisfaction of all our clients. We have extensive experience in the field of civil liability, banking and real estate law, as well as legal advice for companies and data protection. In order to provide our clients with complete legal advice, we collaborate with other professionals specialized in many other areas of practice.

Practice areas

Articles and news

Information of interest to our clients (part 4): civil proceedings that do not require the intervention of a lawyer and solicitor

We consider it important for our clients to know that there are various cases in the civil and commercial sphere, [...]

Favorable ruling for a client of Albos Law

Albos Law relieved a client of an unpaid revolving debt which, having been assigned to an investment fund by the [...]

Award of compensation for unlawful interference with honor by keeping data registered in solvency files for a non-existent debt

On 14 December 2022, Economist&Jurist echoed a decision of the Supreme Court which overturned a ruling of the Provincial Court [...]