Practice areas

Civil liability is defined as the obligation of every person to pay for the damages caused to the person or property of another.

Albos Law, a firm specializing in this matter, offers you a free feasibility study regarding any claim for compensation for damages, whether derived from contractual or non-contractual relationships, such as accidents or professional negligence.


These are all those actions or omissions by health professionals, whether from a public or private centre, that cause harm to the patient, such as errors or delays in treatment or diagnosis.

If these lead to death, or injuries and/or sequelae for the patient, he or his relatives can claim compensation for them, as well as for the extension of recovery time and many other concepts (loss of quality of life, disability derived, loss of earnings, among others).

At ALBOS LAW we put at your disposal our legal team, which, together with an expert team collaborating with the firm, will study the viability of the claim, in order to minimize the litigation risks inherent in any legal claim.


If you have been the victim of a traffic accident, for which you have not been totally responsible, you have the right to be compensated by the opposing insurance company, being able to claim compensation for both material damage and personal injury suffered.

If there were concurrence of faults, the compensation would be reduced by the same percentage of responsibility for the accident.

At ALBOS LAW we put at your disposal our legal team, which will study the feasibility of the claim free of charge, and advise you on all the steps to follow in the process, and in turn, will inform you of the possible compensation to claim.


Banking law is the area of law in which, among other issues, the operation and good practice of financial entities with their clients are regulated. In any banking contract, whether with a professional or with a consumer, there exist an obvious imbalance of conditions in favour of the financial institution. Therefore, it is always advisable to have expert advice at all times, in order to counteract this inequality.

At ALBOS LAW we put at your disposal our legal team, which will advise you in a timely manner in the framework of any banking contract. Likewise, we offer to review any contract that you have signed with a financial entity without having the proper prior advice, in order to detect if there has been a lack of information and transparency on the part of the entity, inclusion of abusive clauses, or even determine if it is possible to terminate the contract for having been signed with defects in consent, due to lack of information.


Real estate law is the area of law that regulates issues such as property, rent, real rights, and legal business on them: purchase and sale contracts, timeshare, lease, purchase option, among other issues.

At ALBOS LAW we place our legal team at your disposal, to intervene in the review, drafting and negotiating within the framework of any real estate operation, while studying the feasibility of claiming any possible real estate dispute, free of charge and without any commitment.


At ALBOS LAW we offer personalized legal advice for the different needs of each company, from its incorporation to its dissolution, in the commercial and civil fields. This includes, among other issues, advice to the administrator in his day to day operation, preventing situations of responsibility; preparation and negotiation of all types of commercial and civil contracts; data protection advice; trademark registration; general corporate advice; debt claim and unpaid management; among many others.

To do this, we offer you a first free meeting in order to determine the specific advice needed for your company, and therefore define a budget for legal services based on your specific needs.


Adaption service to data protection regulations

From Albos Law we offer advice to companies for their adaption to data protection regulations (General Data Protection Regulation and Organic Law on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights 3/2018). Likewise, we offer complementary services such as training for employees, defence in sanctioning procedures of the AEPD, as well as an external Data Protection Delegate service adapted to the needs of each employer.


DPO Service (Data Protection Officer)

The founding partner of Albos Law, Albert Bosque Alberich, in addition to being a practicing lawyer, has official certification in accordance with the requirements of the Certification Scheme for Data Protection Officers of the Spanish Data Protection Agency to be able to act as a DPO.

Although the figure of the DPO is not mandatory for all data processing that a professional can carry out (only those provided for in Art. 37 GDPR and Art. 34 LOPDGDD) its appointment on a voluntary basis can be highly recommended both for its role in accountability, in communications with the control authority, and in the management and notification of security violations, as well as its role in the exercise procedure of rights (ARSOPL) and presentation of claims by the interested parties.

As the GDPR and the LOPDGDD remind us, those responsible and in charge, taking into account the elements listed in articles 25 and 25 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, will determine the appropriate technical and organizational measures that must apply in order to guarantee and prove that the treatment is in accordance with the aforementioned regulation, with the state organic law, its development regulations and the applicable sectorial legislation.

The figure of the DPO guarantees, by the mere fact of its appointment, a presumption of compliance with the principle of privacy by design and by default, and its presence implies advice to the person in charge or the person in charge of treatment in the matter, especially at the moment of choosing the technical and organizational measures adjusted to each treatment.

Likewise, the DPO in its advisory work will review the data protection procedures, detecting possible breaches of the GDPR and the LOPDGDD, and will generate reports that give traceability to the measures adopted to eliminate, or at least reduce, the risk of the data processing carried out by the professional.

Finally, the DPO, in addition to informing and advising the person responsible or in charge of treatment, supervises compliance, carries out awareness-raising and training of the personnel involved in the processing of personal data and cooperates with the control authority.


Artículos y noticias

Information of interest to our clients (part 4): civil proceedings that do not require the intervention of a lawyer and solicitor

We consider it important for our clients to know that there are various cases in the civil and commercial sphere, [...]

Favorable ruling for a client of Albos Law

Albos Law relieved a client of an unpaid revolving debt which, having been assigned to an investment fund by the [...]

Award of compensation for unlawful interference with honor by keeping data registered in solvency files for a non-existent debt

On 14 December 2022, Economist&Jurist echoed a decision of the Supreme Court which overturned a ruling of the Provincial Court [...]